Friday, 12 October 2007

IPCop with Cop+ filtering

IPCop is a simple to install linux based firewall solution. You can add a content filtering proxy to it in the form of Dansguardian by adding a package called Cop+. However, the default IPCop set up doesn't include much swap space - it tends not to need much memory. Dansguardian is a bit memory hungry due to all the data it has to use to do the filtering so you can end up running out.

I use the following to make sure that there's sufficient swap space available

swapoff -a # turn off existing swap space
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=524288 # rewrite the swap file to 512Mb
mkswap /swapfile # format the new swap file
swapon /swapfile # turn on the new swap space

With this set up I haven't run into any memory issues.

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