Monday 2 November 2009

Bluetooth pairing on the command line

I use a debian linux box with the Gnokii SMS daemon to do computer based texting. Now normally on a server I wouldn't want to go to the bother of installing Gnome - after all, you don't sit at the server console. But, that can be an issue for doing the bluetooth pairing needed before you can use the phone with gnokii.

The answer is in /usr/share/doc/bluez-utils/examples. There's some C code in there called passkey-agent.c

Make sure you have build-essential and pkg-config and libdbus-1-dev installed then you can build it.

Then, in one terminal window run "passkey-agent 1234" and in another do "rfcomm connect rfcomm1 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" to connect to your device. The pairing will then be on the key 1234.

A useful trick to avoid installing a huge amount of stuff just to do a one off job.

Debian squeeze ships with a command "bluetooth-agent" which replaces the passkey-agent and is already complied, so you just need to do "bluetooth-agent 1234" in one terminal to set up the passkey.

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