Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Ford IDS software fault

So today's fun was fighting the Ford IDS software. Our fleet garage has happily been installing many versions of this as new ones come out - until version 75 comes out. Then during the installation, where it is "updating the database" it comes up with an error UT0000 - very profound!

The solution turned out to be:

Install the new calibration data
Disable antivirus (not totally sure if this was needed, but some suggested it may be)
Do a repair install of IDS

and then it decided to go all the way through the install.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Fighting domain logins in a Samba domain

A while ago, one of the servers I look after developed a strange fault with Samba domain logins.

Machines that were already part of the domain were fine, but new machines were not happy. You could join them to the domain as normal, but when you then tried to log in as a domain user, you got the error message "the system cannot log you on now because the domain is not available".

Much internet searching and scratching of the head didn't resolve it - so we went into "limp along" mode with some machines not being put in the domain. Even an upgrade to Samba didn't solve it.

A few weeks ago the same thing happened to another system I look after - so back to Google again. Whilst no-one seemed to be talking about exactly the same issue, I did get some ideas and bingo - found the answer.

Our Samba configs are quite old and back when we started using Samba, WINS was a good thing to help windows machines along so we had "wins support = yes" and our dhcp server was giving out the wins server details. It would appear that somehow WINS was the cuplrit. So I've turned "wins support" to "no" and removed the details from the dhcp server and now it all works as before.